Spray Tanning
Spray Tan $35
Allow 15mins
SprayTan 10% Original
MoroccanOriginal is a green-based formulation that is enhanced with cosmetic bronzers to create a warm, bronzed hue. This 10% DHA formula is particularly complementary to those with normal to oily skin that are looking to achieve a natural to medium colour. Original encompasses a premium blend of natural and organic ingredients that work effortlessly to enhance and improve complexion accomplishing the perfect finish.
SprayTan 15% Nights
MoroccanNights is a violet-based formulation mixed with deep ashy browns to create a rich, bronzed hue. This luxurious solution is a part of our Exotic collection and is suitable for all skin types and particularly complementary to those with dry, mature or sensitive skin. Nights is a 15% DHA solution that encompasses a premium blend of natural and organic ingredients that work effortlessly to nourish and improve complexion while achieving a natural to dark-intense colour.
Bestie Tan $60
Allow 30mins
(Bring a friend along and tan together for $30 each)